Write in the Heart of Santa Barbara
If you’re looking for ways to take your writing to the next level, take a look at the Summer Writing Institute at Antioch University in Santa Barbara.
If you’re looking for ways to take your writing to the next level, take a look at the Summer Writing Institute at Antioch University in Santa Barbara.
Once upon a time there was a girl who thought she could never become a writer. Find out how she broke through this bad spell, and how you can too!
“I suppose I do get ‘blocked’ sometimes but I don’t like to call it that. That seems to give it more power than I want it to have.”—Maya Angelou
There’s still time to apply for the 2013 AROHO Retreat—an empowering week of discussions, readings, and presentations among ninety talented women writers in the desert mountains where Georgia O’Keefe painted.
Poet Maura MacNeil talks about the courage it takes to write, the importance of bringing generosity to our work, and the strength that comes from being part of a writing community.