Barbara Ann Yoder
writer, editor, teacher, coach

Get inspired. Write with joy!
Latest Posts
New Year, New Site
After a long hiatus from blogging, two long years of social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic, sixteen months of hard work, draft six of my novel completed and in good shape, the next thing on my list, the thing I’d been avoiding for years, was to redesign my website and consider blogging again. So here I am, doing just that!
Taking a Break from Blogging
With more than one hundred posts behind me and a book pushing to be born, I’m going to take a break from posting. Please keep in touch!
How to Get Your Book Written
You have lots of ideas about how to proceed, and by tapping your own wisdom, you can create your own plan for developing and completing your book.
Quote of the Week
“Let us simmer over our incalculable cauldron, our enthralling confusion, our hotch-potch of impulses, our perpetual miracle.”—Virginia Woolf
Staring Down the Challenges of Writing
Paul Auster reflects on the writing of his latest novel. There’s lots of wisdom in this brief video.
Tapping a Deep Reservoir for Writing
Here’s what I learned from hearing Gail Tsukiyama, award-winning author of seven novels, in conversation with the legendary Dorothy Allison at an intimate Hedgebrook event in San Francisco last week.
Quote of the Week
“What you want to do is write the best book you can write. There is no timeline to that. Do the best you can do with what you have. Get rid of the timeline.”—Gail Tsukiyama
Writing a Single Second
Artist Cesar Kuriyama spent a year videotaping one second every day. What if we started a One Second Every Day journal and filled it with sense impressions?
Working a Scene a Day
So it’s official. I’m going to spend a month—probably November—writing a scene or two a week, maybe every day. If you want to join me, here are some resources to help us get started.
Quote of the Week
“Find the entry point that will hold up … and the voice that will sustain the work.”—Dorothy Allison
A Brilliant Idea from Inky Girl
Plotting a novel? Check out this fun advice from cartoonist Debbie Ridpath Ohi.
Play with Paints
This exercise can help you experience your creative energy in a new way. The process of writing can be as fluid as the process of painting.